Beat Streak 3000

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Beat Streak 3000

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Game Description

Defend against 20 waves of sonic particle attacks where rock beats scissors beats paper beats rock. Beat Streak 3000 is a fun yet challenging game that rewards good concentration and fast reactions. Click the symbols or use the keyboard to launch scissors, paper or rock.

Game Stats

Champion Champion: school sucks  Top Score Top Score: 22100450  Category Category: Arcade Games
High Score Game High Score Game  Game added Added On: 24th Aug 2010  Gameplays Played: 9953 times
Beat Streak 3000 Full Screen Mode: Beat Streak 3000 Full Screen

Game Rating

(4.45 avg.) Rated: 11 times


Top Scores

1. school sucks: 22100450.00
2. cariena: 20208981.00
3. ourgoofnick: 535830.00
4. muse: 139122.00
5. stormisretarded: 57906.00

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Game Comments/Reviews

KillingFlames avatar
KillingFlames Positive Review
easy game
Reviewed on July 3, 2011, 9:56 am
stormisretarded avatar
stormisretarded Positive Review
pretty cool
Reviewed on June 13, 2011, 9:44 pm

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