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Game Description

In the Tarnation strategy flash game you have to defend your favorite garden from the attack of the bugs made of tar called Tars. These bugs are notorious and they are well known for polluting garden water. Your objective is to stop the tars from reaching your water supply and your garden seeds will help you in defending your garden. Use your mouse to select the garden seeds in various ways to turn them into different colored attacking flowers. Same colored flowers will attack similar colored bugs, so create flowers accordingly. Use your mouse to select up-left to down-right to make red flowers, up-right to down-left to produce blue flowers, and select down-left to up-right to make yellow flowers. The flowers will attack the bugs and damages them up to a certain point, so be careful using your seed and try not to waste them. If you forgot how to make different colored flowers look at the top left corner of the game screen for help. Kill as many bugs as possible and score higher.

Game Stats

Champion Champion: gangsta347  Top Score Top Score: 43630  Category Category: Strategy Games
High Score Game High Score Game  Game added Added On: 17th Jun 2009  Gameplays Played: 7985 times
Tarnation Full Screen Mode: Tarnation Full Screen

Game Rating

(4.43 avg.) Rated: 7 times


Top Scores

1. gangsta347: 43630.00
2. pyro125: 36056.00
3. Luigi: 20325.00
4. juie: 14894.00
5. Disparity: 5277.00

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Aaron G avatar
Aaron G Positive Review
Reviewed on October 23, 2009, 11:22 am

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