Happy Wheels is a bloody physics-based cool vehicle game full of fun! The only goals of this flash game are to reach the exit of each level and to complete all of the complicated levels without being ripped apart. Choose a vehicle (bike, two-wheeler or wheelchair) and try to find a way to the exit, alive! Drive it at full speed! This is just a demo version with only few levels (the full version has not yoet been released), but if you’re bored of the original levels, you can even construct your own levels in the game. Control your wheeled vehicle with arrow keys. Press Z for Eject, hold Spacebar for Primary Action, press Shift and Control for Secondary actions. Happy wheel is one of the most crazy games online that have ever been published on the internet! Play this super addictive online game now at Arcade Set! Happy Wheels, Amusement or Torture?
killerhost in the first lvl i used the dude with the stand
up thingy theres this huge jump i fell down thin
it broke i useded the arowws and my dude was
doing pushups